Acid Arab

25.08.17 / 23:00 - 01:00 / /
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Photo: Flavien Prioreau

Music between France, the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, and North Africa: Acid Arab promote the sound of a present defined by migratory movements and rich traditions – traditions that exist outside of the conventions of 4/4 meter party-tourist weekends – and they do this in European clubs. As a music project, they’ve already worked with Omar Souleyman, A-wa, and Shadi Khries and presented both an album and a compilation.

Now, Guido Minisky and Hervé Carvalho, the two French-born founding members, are coming to play at »Pop-Kultur«. They understand their sound as a reflection of the reality we live in rather than as a mix (the latter term would imply a split between »Orient« and »Occident«). In their own words, »we don’t paste oriental sounds on occidental beats«.

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