Alexis Taylor (Hot Chip) – Solo / Night #1

23.08.17 / 23:20 - 00:00 / /
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Photo: Anne Teztlaff

It’s difficult to remember, but there was once actually a time in pop music when guys like Alexis Taylor were not necessarily considered cool. As a member of the band Hot Chip, this Brit with the soft, captivating, voice and big glasses has done real pioneering work in the nerdy pop department. From the dance hit to the heart-wrenching R&B ballad, Alexis Taylor has command of every note on the pop scale, whether with Hot Chip, in projects like About Group (with Charles Hayward of This Heat) and Fainting by Numbers (with Justus Köhncke), or solo.

For his latest album, the singer, songwriter, musician, and producer relies entirely on his voice and on the instrument for which the release is titled: »Piano«. This is his most intimate work yet, and he’ll be presenting it on two evenings in a row for the first time live in Germany – in the likewise intimate setting of the P.A.N.D.A.-Theater.

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