»Bunch of Kunst«

25.08.17 / 19:00 - 20:40 + 22:00 - 23:40 / /
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Photo: Daniel Waldhecker

The appearance of Jason Williamson and Andrew Robert Lindsay Fearn on the pop music scene can be described as an implosion – or as the resolution of a profound ethical crisis. After all, how popular (in the real sense of the word) can pop music actually be if it doesn’t represent populist views – if none of the people making pop music have a connection to the proletariat and the precariat?

For years, the ex-assembly line worker-turned-Curmudgeon in Chief Williamson and beat-maker Fearn have been filling in this gap as Sleaford Mods. At first they were more or less ignored, but meanwhile they’re widely celebrated for their minimalist use of music and maximalist use of offensive language and razor-sharp observations. With the documentary film »Bunch of Kunst«, Christine Franz tells the story of this cursing, blasphemous duo. The director, music editor, and author for »Arte TRACKS« followed the Sleaford Mods for two years.

Screening #1: 19:00 - 20:40
Screening #2: 22:00 - 23:40