David Laurie & Simon Price

25.08.17 / 00:40 - 02:20 / /
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Synth-pop, glam, punk, post-punk, goth, wave – David Laurie and Simon Price will bring it all together in a DJ set for the last evening of »Pop-Kultur«. Laurie started the label Something In Construction (Memory Tapes, Air France) and wrote the book »DARE: How Bowie & Kraftwerk Inspired The Death of Rock’n’Roll and Invented Modern Pop Music«.

Price is an award-winning music journalist and broadcaster. As a DJ and organiser, he runs the two successful Brighton party series »Stay Beautiful« and »Spellbound«. On the previous festival day (Thursday), the two Brits will hold a talk about »The Synthie Revolution«.

Homepage - Simon Price Homepage - David Laurie 'DARE'