Evvol: Human Resonance

24.08.17 / 19:40 - 20:20 / 21:00 - 21:40 / 22:20 - 23:00 / /
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Photo: Sven Serkis

If vibration creates form and sound is vibration, is sound life? Can music reconnect our fragmented selves? And what of our connection to each other in times of turmoil? The Berlin-based duo Evvol have always been interested in stories. Their previous work revealed tales and memories from their personal history, laid on a sonic bed of dancefloor melancholy and attitude-laden pop.
With this new work, they move from nostalgia to observation – a stark observation through which the world is increasingly exposed as an uneasy place for many. Written in five parts, »Human Resonance« considers stories of subjugation, incarceration, and immigration – those resounding themes of our time. Breaking from traditional pop forms, Evvol will explore these systems, engage in ritual, and present their music as an offering towards resolution.

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