Roland Owsnitzki »Keller – 80 Photos From the 80s«

23.08.17 - 25.08.17 / /
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Sonic Youth (Kim Gordon) im Kino Sputnik, Wedding, 17.04.85

We almost dropped dead when we entered Roland Owsnitzki’s boiler room – it was filled with hundreds of original and proof photographs, all arranged in alphabetical order.  The photographer, who was born in 1955, has been documenting concerts in West Berlin since the 1970s. His prints portray local groups, international superstars, crazy hairstyles, extraordinary bodies, and spaces from a pre-digital time. Many situations appear as themes again and again.

The photos were taken before the days when you could pre-select camera displays and were always developed using contact sheets and darkrooms. The snapshots that survive comprise a raw, unreleased collection untouched by publishing houses and editorial quality control. This breathtaking documentation of the music and (off-) scene of those years is being shown at »Pop-Kultur« for the first time in Germany. The 80 photographs from the 80s were hand-picked together with the photographer.

Roland Owsnitzki: photos
Saygel & Schreiber: exhibition architecture
fertig design: exhibition design

Roland Owsnitzki - Official Homepage