female:pressure: »FACTS – What needs to be done?«

25.08.17 / 18:40 -19:40 / /
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Christine Kakaire (Photo: Camille Blake) / Marlene Engel / Sky Deep (Photo: Alexa Vachon)

Panel with  Sky Deep, Marlene Engel, Christine Kakaire

With its FACTS survey, the female: pressure network provides information on the status quo of gender distribution within the electronic music scene. This panel, which follows the presentation of the latest FACTS survey, takes the next step by asking: what needs to be done now to get more female acts booked and to incite lasting change? Which already-active interventions can be put to further use to this effect?

But also, in concrete terms: how can the FACTS study itself be improved? Under the moderation of the journalist and curator Christine Kakaire; the producer, DJ, and label owner Sky Deep; and the curator Marlene Engel (»Hyperreality« Festival) will offer their perspectives on the topic. The discussion will then be opened to the public.