Friends Of Gas

25.08.17 / 23:00 - 23:40 / /
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Photo: Susanne Beck

»Mein Körper ist mein Template, mein Körper ist mein Template.« [ »My body is my template, my body is my template«] – it only takes five words and a few seconds for Friends Of Gas to emboss themselves onto your brain. This circle of friends is made up of Nina Walser, Veronica Burnuthian, Thomas Westner, Martin Tagarm, and Erol Dizdar, but it mostly revolves around the relationship between Walser’s hoarse, throaty voice and the vibrating instrumentals of her colleagues.

In a typical FOG song, this relationship joins forces with mantra-like lyrics to raise the pressure in the room to exceeding heights – a multiplication of all the effective forces that continually outdo each other without you even noticing. Their first album, »Fatal Schwach« [»Fatally Weak«], which was recorded live with Max Rieger (who will also appear at »Pop-Kultur« with his project All Diese Gewalt), is above all enormously strong. You best stay on this Munich band’s good side.

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