
23.08.17 / 23:40 - 00:20 / /
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»This is my city and these are my streets / In a state of emergency.« Rough electronica, crackling garage, grime, hip hop, dancehall, and a little R&B – all of the turmoil, hunger, and beauty of contemporary London are captured in Gaika’s song sketches. It’s demanding, charged, bittersweet music thrown together by a young, innovative thinker with a vision that says fuck you to gloss and polish – instead, the producer and rapper delivers his fiery lines straight from the mouth of the dragon.

After releasing two mixtapes (one of which was self-published), Gaika debuted last year with the EP »SPAGHETTO« on the prestigious label Warp. You might also just say this is contemporary pop in the truest sense of the term.

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