
24.08.17 / 21.00 - 21.40 / /
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Eye bags, coolness, bike-riding, aging, melancholy, expectations, smeared lipstick… with Ilgen-Nur, the tiny and massive dramas, the most beautiful hopes, and the brutalest of tribulations all come together. The Hamburg-via-Stuttgart singer-songwriter and musician makes the slacker-pop of the hour.

Her first EP, which boasts five magnificent songs, recently appeared on the labels Euphorie and Sunny Tapes. It was produced by Max Rieger of Die Nerven and All Diese Gewalt, and praised by Missy Magazine und Musikexpress. When the 21-year-old non-chalantly sings »I’m just trying to be cool«, one can only respond with the assertion that she’s doing pretty much everything right.

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