JACASZEK feat. Hania Malarowska

25.08.17 / 21:00 - 21:40 / /
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Michał Jacaszek makes electroacoustic music characterised by nuance, flow, and a restrained but immersive sound. Jacaszek, who lives in Gdańsk, is one of the most important representatives of the alternative music scene in Poland and can boast a rich history of releases. His most recent is the album »KWIATY«, which, metaphorically speaking, sounds as if you’ve buried your head halfway into the sand in a dune on the Baltic Sea while the wind whispers poetry to you.

Jacaszek will be supported live by the singer Hania Malarowska. Malarowska is also on »KWIATY«, which, like its predecessor, appeared outside of Poland on Ghostly International (home of Telefon Tel Aviv and Tycho, among others).

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