»More than Just a Pop Star?«: Johanna St. Michaels & Max Dax

23.08.17 / 20:40 - 21:20 / /
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Johanna St Michaels (Photo: Kari Janzen) / Max Dax (Photo: Luci Lux)

Talk about the film »The Inertia Variations«

In 1986, the indie musician Matt Johnson suddenly became the pop star Matt Johnson. Seven years after Johnson started THE THE, the band’s second album, »Infected«, climbed to the top of the British charts and Johnson became a national star overnight. Since then, he has always sought to fill his renown with audacious but also political content.

The films »Infected The Movie« and »The Inertia Variations« attest to this. The latter will be shown at Pop-Kultur and is a documentary by the artist Johanna St Michaels, Johnson’s former partner. In this talk, the journalist and author Max Dax speaks with St Michaels about both films and about Johnson’s music, his ambitions, and the potential those ambitions still have today.