24.08.17 / 22:50 - 00:00 / /
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La Femme is surf-pop made in France, by no less than six band members. It all began on the coast, in the small Atlantic town of Biarritz. Early on, a few Californian surfers also arranged shows for the young band in their own home paradise – surfing included. In the meantime, La Femme have become national superstars, who have relocated to Paris, where they concoct tunes that fuse rockabilly, psychedelia, electro, and punk, thereby turning nights of dancing into lucid dreams.

They’ve released two albums, and the first of the two is called »Psycho Tropical Berlin«. The band explains that they use city names as expressions of atmosphere. According to them, Berlin represents »cold and electronic«. Eek. Well, so they’re coming to »Pop-Kultur« to warm us up.

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