
25.08.17 / 23:20 - 00:20 / /
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She’s a visual artist; he’s a not-exactly-unsuccessful rock star. Both are married. To each other. With rings and with a rehearsal space, because Manuela Gernedel and Nick McCarthy of Franz Ferdinand also have a band together, just the two of them. Charmingly, and naturally, this band is called Manuela. It’s their second musical formation aside from Box Codax, a band in which the couple are two out of three and have already released two albums on the Munich disco label Gomma.

Now back to the duo. They make catchy, timeless guitar pop. In one song, Gernedel lists various cracks in her field of vision – one is in the curb, one is in her party outfit, and one is in the face of her counterpart. So consider yourself warned – the concert might leave a mark. But how do they put it, again? Ah yes, »everything’s healing«.