
25.08.17 / 20:40 - 21:30 / /
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Photo: Priscilla C Scot

This album title is deceptive: Noveller’s »A Pink Sunset for No One« is, on the contrary, a very welcoming, open affair. Sarah Lipstate's eighth solo album in eight years also raises the bar pretty high for ambient guitar music. Hers is a sound world somewhere between shoegaze and minimal music – exhilarating, warm, velvety, and yet always laced with traces of darkness in the guitar strings.

This special darkness Lipstate also serves in Glen Branca's legendary 100 Guitar Ensemble, for one. Lipstate is also a composer and filmmaker. Maybe we’ve just misunderstood the album title – perhaps the sun simply won’t set with Noveller at all, neither for her nor for us.

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