»Under One Groove – Hip Hop and Art«: Alice Martin, Elke Buhr, Marcel Odenbach

24.08.17 / 18:00 – 18:40 / /
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Von links nach rechts im Uhrzeigersinn: Alice Martin (Chefboss) / Elke Buhr (Photo: Wolfgang Stahr) / Marcel Odenbach (Photo: Albrecht Fuchs)

Talk with Alice Martin, Elke Buhr, Marcel Odenbach.

In the last several years, no other music culture has proven to be as powerful, innovative and popular as rap and hip hop. What began on the streets of New York in the 1970s is today much more than just a global phenomenon. Hip hop has also consistently continued to make its mark on art – the days in which it was simply associated with the name Jean-Michel Basquiat are long gone.

Think, for example, of the collaborations between Jay-Z and Marina Abramovic, Die Antwoord and Roger Ballen; or of paintings by Kehinde Wiley! The »Status: Yo!« will be discussed by moderator and Monopol editor-in-chief Elke Buhr in this talk with the video artist Marcel Odenbach and rapper Alice Martin of the group Chefboss. The talk is organised by the magazine Monopol, which recently dedicated an entire issue to hip hop in art.