SKM 60: T.Raumschmiere

25.08.17 / 22:00 - 23:00 / /
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Ambient, electro-punk, techno – Marco Haas has command over more than just one genre of electronic music. 20 years ago now, the Berlin musician, producer, and label owner founded Shitkatapult with friends. His own newest album, though, was released on Kompakt. »Heimat« is the story of an epic journey, told with orchestra samples and voluptuous synths. Woven into it are shared experiences with friends (and returning collaborators) like Barbara Morgenstern and Apparat. It’s a techno record for your inner centre – a record that once more confirms what Haas’ famous moniker has promised for years: to be »T.Raumschmiere« [»d.ream grease«] is to be a means of transportation between spaces and levels.

T.Raumschmiere on Facebook

About »SKM 60«

Even if your own memory might initially recall it otherwise, 1997 was a good year for pop music. After all, three labels were founded that still help to define the sound of contemporary pop: Shitkatapult, Karaoke Kalk, and Monika Enterprise. They released and still release albums by T.Raumschmiere and Apparat, Bill Wells and Hauschka, Barbara Morgenstern and Gudrun Gut. Put briefly, they specialise in visionary sounds, clever lyrics (when there are lyrics at all), and yes indeed – hits. All three labels survived the radical industry changes of the early 00s and remain relevant in both pop and electronic music. At »Pop-Kultur«, these Berlin indies celebrate twenty years of label work in a programme focus entitled »SKM60«. The focus consists of concerts, DJ sets, and talks.