
23.08.17 / 21:40 - 22:20 / /
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A year ago, they were considered »relatively unknown« (i-D); now Smerz have already collected several million plays on Spotify & Co and have received both vast underground support, and praise from big names like Pharrell Williams and Gorillaz. And with what? With good reason, or, rather, with a single EP called »Okey«, and with an indisputable talent for making smart, perfectly balanced electro-pop that more than flirts with R&B but also has danceable moments.

Meanwhile, Smerz feels Schmerz (German for »pain«) and visits, in song, many of the most common clichés about the magic of love. Behind the band are Henriette and Catharina, two young Norwegians living in Copenhagen and looking forward to an exciting future – in Scandinavia they’ve already played at Roskilde, Spot, and by: Larm Festival, among others.

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