Sophia Kennedy

23.08.17 / 19:40 - 20:20 / /
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Photo: Rosanna Graf

SPEX & Co. were already buzzing about the Hamburg-based musician Sophia Kennedy four years ago. Back then, she sang of an anonymous, angel-like lady in a song called »Angel Lagoon« and brought heaven down to earth. Now, in 2017, the Baltimore native has finally released her long-awaited debut album, and it surpasses even the highest expectations. It’s sublime, slo-mo pop that vanishes at the edges in barely comprehensible states while Kennedy sings about a certain William by the windowsill, and the most beautiful texture of them all: foam. Yes, foam.

It’s even better and cooler than we’re making it out to be here, and naturally it appeared on DJ Koze’s label Pampa. You may as well put your head on your neighbour’s shoulder, whip out your mirrored sunglasses à la Tilda Swinton in »A Bigger Splash«, and dance on the terrace with the lightning bugs. Or... in the Maschinenhaus at Kulturbrauerei!

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