Anna Meredith

24.08.17 / 23:20 - 00:20 / /
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Photo: Kate Bones

Minimalism has had a strong influence on pop music lately. Maximalism, on the other hand, is much less positively regarded – it’s even frowned upon. We find this unjust, and you only have to listen to Anna Meredith live to understand why (and here’s an opportunity). Not that the classical composer from Scotland isn’t capable of writing reduced songs – but her live band consists of synthesizer, clarinet, cello, tuba, guitar, and drums.

And Meredith makes good use of them all, and at all volumes. Her debut album »Varmints« masterfully connected the dots between concert hall, car radio, and dancefloor – and, in fact, even between dancefloor and moshpit. Pitchfork fittingly called it a musical »kaleidoscope«, and Anna Meredith stumbled upon the prize for »Scottish Album of the Year«. Super duper great!

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