Jessica Pratt

24.08.17 / 21:00 - 21:40 / /
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Jessica Pratt is a singer with guitar – we must establish that at the outset, because although her music might most easily be classified as folk, Pratt herself isn’t particularly fond of the genre. Fair enough. After all, what this artist from sunny, west-coast USA presents on her first two albums is only sort of folk. Inspired by Arthur Rimbaud and Bob Dylan (neither of whom are particularly categorisable either), Pratt assembles her songs joyfully, all of a sudden vibrantly channeling Duran Duran and then resuming her throaty-voiced brooding, only to return to the warbly high pitches later.

It’s hardly surprising, then, that her texts also oscillate between new beginnings and farewells, between hopeful visions and melancholy. Pratt’s rich panorama is one born out of minimalism and will be continued with new songs at »Pop-Kultur«.

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