Raw Chicks.Berlin (Film)

24.08.17 / 19:00 - 20:40 & 22:00 - 23:40 / /
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Film Still: B. Kunath

It all started with a party series in Berlin: for five years now, »Raw Chicks« has provided mainly female DJs, VJs, and producers with a platform. Beate Kunath and her partner helped bringing diversity to a scene in which clubs invite almost exclusively male DJs weekend after weekend. With her documentary film »Raw Chicks Berlin«, which was shot with virtually no budget and only later supported via Crowdfunding, Kunath brings this reality to the table.

She interviewed and portrayed eleven different artists and music producers. The focus is on live-acts, respectively women who take their equipment to stage, presenting their own songs and compositions. They all live in Berlin and make electro-acoustic music, techno, or experimental soundscapes, with the likes of Kyoka, Ziúr, and electr°cute among them. Today, these artists not only represent the sound of this city – they also stand for musical innovation on a global scale.

This movie will be screened twice, once in its German and once in its English version.   Screening 1: 19:00 - 20:40 (German)   Screening 2: 22:00 - 23:40 (English)