»Blessed, Depressed, Well Dressed«: Lady Leshurr & Hengameh Yaghoobifarah

24.08.17 / 20:00 - 20:40 / /
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In recent years it’s become less of a taboo to speak about depression, anxiety, and general mental health. Pop culture has been a pioneering force in this process, partially through its inclusion of important role models like Lady Leshurr. The British MC, who became famous worldwide for her freestyle series »Queen’s Speech«, often refers to her mental state in her lyrics. She also frequently addresses the racism and sexism she encounters in the music industry and in the public eye. At the same time, she is also closely connected to the digital meme culture of her young fans.

How does Lady Leshurr’s daily life affect her music, and inversely, how do her music and creativity influence her life? What and whom give her strength? How does she stay cool? Lady Leshurr will answer all these questions and more in a talk with Hengameh Yaghoobifarah. Yaghoobifarah is a journalist, speaker, fashion blogger, DJ, columnist for the newspaper taz, and freelance editor for both Missy Magazine and taz.

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