»Let’s Talk About Gender, Habibi«

23.08.17 / 20:00 - 20:40 / /
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Im Uhzeigersinn: Hengameh Yaghobifara (Photo: Peimaneh Yaghobifara) / Yesim Duman (Photo: Intissare Aamri) / Ilgen-Nur (Photo: Maximilian Mundt)

Talk with Hengameh Yaghobifara, Yesim Duman, Ilgen-Nur

Pop-Kultur is only too readily sold as an emancipatory achievement that brings people together and expresses the values of progressive social movements. But in reality, cultural appropriation, whitewashing, exclusion, and sexism are the rule rather than the exception, both in business and in discourse. Who, then, actually receives access and credit? Who is accepted, who has power, and who, after all, has money?

In this talk, Hengameh Yaghoobifarah, Ilgen-Nur, and Yeşim Duman discuss queerness, race, and the situation of female artists in pop music today. Yaghoobifarah is a journalist, speaker, fashion blogger, taz columnist, and DJ as well as a freelance editor for Missy Magazine and taz. Ilgen-Nur is a singer-songwriter, and she’ll also present her debut EP live during the festival. Duman is a resident DJ at Hamburg’s Golden Pudel Club, a radio host, and an organiser of the queer party series »bubble« and »erdogay«.

This event will be held in German.