Typewriter-Klangwelten: Laura Landergott, Andreas Spechtl, Mira Mann »I LOVE DICK live«

23.08.17 / 21:00 - 21:40 / /
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Clockwise from left to right: Laura Landergott, Andreas Spechtl, Mira Mann

Unfortunately this event is cancelled due to illness. Find all information about the replacement event right here.

For decades, the literary canon came up short in regard to the portrayal of female desire from a feminist perspective. End of discussion. For this reason, the American artist and author Chris Kraus’s rousing, personal book »I LOVE DICK« occupies all the more important a position in contemporary history. The book is equal parts socio-political manifesto, romance novel, and cultural critique, though it took years to be deservedly recognised for its tremendous significance.

Now, twenty years after the first publication in 1997, it’s been translated into German. Hot off the press are reviews saying »there’s nothing better to read at the moment« (Hannah Pilarczyk), for example. There may be nothing better to hear at the moment, either – Mira Mann of candelilla and Andreas Spechtl & Laura Landergott of Ja, Panik, three local mastermind guitarists, have come together to deliver a one-off musical interpretation of »I LOVE DICK«.

Mira Mann: bass / vocals Laura Landergott: vocals / drums / keyboard Andreas Spechtl: vocals / guitar Hendrik Otremba: concept Typewriter-Klangwelten

About Typewriter-Klangwelten

Sound worlds are designed linguistically; writers listen to music as they write. Literature inspires song; lyrics follow a rhythm. Literary writing and music are interrelated, and they even live off of each other; the boundaries between them are blurred. »Typewriter-Klangwelten« [»Typewriter-Worlds of Sound«] is a multi-day experiment that searches for new hybrid forms at the open interface between literature and music. Following a concept developed by the musician, journalist, and author Hendrik Otremba, other musicians will meet with authors, not rarely within the brain of a single person but always with varying perspectives, in order to fathom and interpret these relations anew. These interpretations will appear in the form of a talk, the concert performance of a novel, a literary radio play, and a man-machine that serves both disciplines. Here’s a quote from Blumfeld to start off with: »Ich hab' keine Knochen mehr / Dafür Tinte für zwanzig Bücher im Bauch« [»I have no bones left / But ink enough for twenty books in my belly«].