Typewriter-Klangwelten: a Performance

25.08.17 / 21:00 - 21:45 + 22:00 - 22:45 / /
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Clockwise from left to right: Hendrik Otremba, Fabian Altstötter, Philipp Hülsenbeck

Performance with Hendrik Otremba, Fabian Altstötter, Philipp Hülsenbeck and the talents from PK Nachwuchs

A three-day workshop will take place during the festival as part of the »Typewriter-Klangwelten« [Typewriter-Worlds of Sound] programme focus. Three musicians and three authors selected via an application process will meet to develop a performance in the territory between literature and music, reinterpret the relationship between the two formats, and to show the results of their work.

They will be supported and guided by Fabian Altstötter, Philipp Hülsenbeck, and Hendrik Otremba. Altstötter and Hülsenbeck are known as two-thirds of melancho-electro-pop band Sizarr, and Hülsenbeck's second band is called Doomhound. Otremba is a singer and lyricist in the highly literary, referential post-punk bands Messer and Romanautor.

Participants of the workshops: performance
Fabian Altstötter: workshop concept / performance
Philipp Hülsenbeck: workshop concept / performance
Hendrik Otremba– workshop / concept Typewriter-Klangwelten

About Typewriter-Klangwelten

Sound worlds are designed linguistically; writers listen to music as they write. Literature inspires song; lyrics follow a rhythm. Literary writing and music are interrelated, and they even live off of each other; the boundaries between them are blurred. »Typewriter-Klangwelten« [»Typewriter-Worlds of Sound«] is a multi-day experiment that searches for new hybrid forms at the open interface between literature and music. Following a concept developed by the musician, journalist, and author Hendrik Otremba, other musicians will meet with authors, not rarely within the brain of a single person but always with varying perspectives, in order to fathom and interpret these relations anew. These interpretations will appear in the form of a talk, the concert performance of a novel, a literary radio play, and a man-machine that serves both disciplines. Here’s a quote from Blumfeld to start off with: »Ich hab' keine Knochen mehr / Dafür Tinte für zwanzig Bücher im Bauch« [»I have no bones left / But ink enough for twenty books in my belly«].