Typewriter Klangwelten: The Talk

23.08.17 / 20:00 - 20:40 / /
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Von links nach rechts im Uhrzeigersinn: Hendrik Otremba, Fatma Aydemir, Marc Matter

Talk with Hendrik Otremba, Marc Matter, Fatma Aydemir

Literature and pop music – they both live (albeit to different extents) from text. And both have a sound. These two forms of expression have always inspired each other, intermingled, and crossed paths. Fatma Aydemir and Marc Matter discuss this relationship together with guest curator Hendrik Otremba. Matter is a lecturer in Artistic Texts / Media Aesthetics at the Düsseldorf Institut für Musik und Medien; Aydemir has channeled her flow into the debut novel »Ellbogen« [»Elbow«] and is also an editor of the German newspaper TAZ.

Otremba is the singer of the band Messer, a music journalist, and author of the novel »Über uns der Schaum«. This talk also marks the beginning of Otremba's »Pop-Kultur« programme focus of the same name (»Typewriter-Klangwelten«), whose main features are also explained here.

This event will be held in German.

About Typewriter-Klangwelten

Sound worlds are designed linguistically; writers listen to music as they write. Literature inspires song; lyrics follow a rhythm. Literary writing and music are interrelated, and they even live off of each other; the boundaries between them are blurred. »Typewriter-Klangwelten« [»Typewriter-Worlds of Sound«] is a multi-day experiment that searches for new hybrid forms at the open interface between literature and music. Following a concept developed by the musician, journalist, and author Hendrik Otremba, other musicians will meet with authors, not rarely within the brain of a single person but always with varying perspectives, in order to fathom and interpret these relations anew. These interpretations will appear in the form of a talk, the concert performance of a novel, a literary radio play, and a man-machine that serves both disciplines. Here’s a quote from Blumfeld to start off with: »Ich hab' keine Knochen mehr / Dafür Tinte für zwanzig Bücher im Bauch« [»I have no bones left / But ink enough for twenty books in my belly«].