»Our Parents had no Idea how big our Dreams were« – An Interview with A-Wa

Foto: Hassan Hajjaj
Photo: Hassan Hajjaj

The sisters Tair, Liron and Tagel Haim aka A-Wa have landed Israel’s first-ever No. 1 hit in Arabic language and now they not only grace Pop-Kultur with their presence but with new material. A conversation about an unusual tradition of the remix. By Thomas Vorreyer

»Music was like a game to us. Throught it we could create a world that was our own and didn’t really exist around us.« Liron Haim recollects her childhood in Shaharut. Only a single road leads up to the village lying above the Arava Valley. In the Mid 80s, Haim’s parents, nature-loving pioneers from the big cities, had co-founded the settlement in Israel’s sparse south. But their daughters should soon return to the rest of the world. »Our parents had no idea how big our dreams were.«, says Tagel Haim, Liron’s younger sister.

Together with their third and oldest sister, Tair, they form a band. It’s called A-Wa and »Habib Galbi« is their biggest hit so far. Four million clicks on YouTube, enthusiastic comments from all over the Arabic World, #1 in the Israeli single charts – thanks to a mix of traditional and contemporary music and also thanks to the Arabic lyrics. Thus far, no one had been able to do so. But the story behind this hit is as much about the segregation of peoples as it does of the segregation of the sexes.

And the tradition lives in grandma’s living room. The Haims descend from Yemenites. Yemen had been home to a large Jewish community for centuries. But even before Israel’s independence in 1948, it suffers under pogroms. The situation deteriorates during the Arab-Israeli War and almost 50,000 Jews are evacuated mostly via airplane until 1950. »Our grandmother came to Israel when she was 13 years old.«, Liron accounts. »She married our grandfather on the way. She didn’t speak Hebrew, as only men were allowed to do so in Yemen.« Grandma Haim tried to integrate as quickly as possible and hid her Arabic-Yemeni culture for years. To her grandchildren, she spoke Hebrew. But she also sang them songs from her childhood. Fortunately.

It’s common among Yemenite women to sing while doing the housework. Due to strict religious rules in Yemen, they spent most of their day separated from their husbands but in the company of other women. »Jewish women had a greater connection to Arab women than to their partners.«, Liron sums up. While the women took care of the household and the children, they sang Arabic songs and thus escaped their daily life, says Liron: »For the women, singing was the only possibility to express their feelings.« In »Habib Galbi« A-Wa sing: »Love of my heart, my eyes/ It is a riddle to me, who pitted you against me.« But the singing was often a mirror of their hopes as well. In the successful music video for the single, A-Wa try to fulfill these dreams.

The trio plays three women in the desert, doing the housework under the reign of a patriarch. Until they escape in a Jeep, wearing bright pink Galabias, the traditional dresses of the region. »The women we play in our video are not given their freedom. They just take it for themselves.«, Liron puts it.

»Pink is the greatest possible contrast to the desert and is the most feminine color we could imagine, a color of freedom and optimism.»

In pink, A-Wa create a new world.

One of the reasons A-Wa became known with songs like »Habib Galbi« is Tomer Yosef from the band Balkan Beat Box. The producer is Yemenite as well and discovered the sisters on YouTube where they had uploaded singing videos. In English, in Hebrew, and in Arabic. »Tomer said: You know, you sound great in English and Hebrew, but there always is this Yemenite echo,« Liron remembers. »Why don’t you go through with that?«

A-Wa combine the old with the new

Said and done. Together, they record 12 Yemenite and Arabic classics for the first album. The three-voiced folklore is highlighted by a band sound and a beat. The latter is oriented towards Hip Hop and Reggae, those sounds brought to the Haims by 90’s MTV. It’s a great fit. Maybe because Yemenite traditional songs are a predecessor of today’s remix culture – orally passed on and versatile, as Tagel says: »Every woman can and could add lines or remove them, that’s why there are a lot of different variants of single songs.« The Haims are confidently continuing this tradition.

In tense times, such as ours, A-Wa manages to equally appeal to Jewish Israelis and Arabs. At their first Berlin concert in the Lido in 2015, Israelis, Lebanese, Syrians sang along, Americans and Germans wildly danced with them. And in Germany, a Yemenite singer was once at the top of the charts. In 1988, the world star Ofra Haza climbed them with her song »Im Nin’alu«, which is based on an old Hebrew poem, though. »Haza opened a lot of doors.«, Tagel finds. »She made Yemenite music popular long before YouTube.« While Haza’s hit was still filed under »World Music«, today’s generation can at best laugh about such clichés.

Their debut album, long published in Israel, has only been released in Central Europe this summer. Meanwhile, A-Wa have worked on new songs, this time, self-written ones. They thereby use Arabic, English and Hebrew language and at Pop-Kultur, A-Wa will play their new songs for the first-ever time in Germany. »To connect the old to something new and authentic, that is an Israeli tradition.«, says Liron.

Their grandmother will surely be happy about it. Since their grandchildren have become successful, she suddenly speaks a lot of Arabic and remembers the times in Yemen. Her old world seems to have returned to her.

A-Wa are performing live at Pop-Kultur on September 1 at the Heimathafen Neukölln. Tickets and additional information can be found right here.

How to Pop-Kultur with … Chris Köver

Chris Köver

Pop-Kultur 2016 is approaching fast and we’re pretty sure that you already faced our module plan, right? Chris Köver did and we’re happy to share her ideas in a new edition of “How to Pop-Kultur.” The founder of Missy Magazine is also writing for WIRED Germany these days and likes to call her self part feminist/ part tech. And you can also sense that in her plan for September the 1st, so get ready to get excited with these recommendations.

On Thursday, I’ll go to see Fatima Al Qadiri’s talk. I loved to read her Global.Wav columns in DIS magazine. And when an Arab artist makes an album on police brutality in the USA, I want to hear what she has to say about it.

Thereafter, I’m totally looking forward to seeing Skinny Girl Diet. I read about them in a British Fanzine a year ago and had an immediate crush on them. Postpunk’s feminist daughters, I want more.

If I’ve got enough energy left, I’ll watch Tellavision, Fee Kuerten’s solo project. In Hamburg, I saw her rule the audience with her self-hacked machines during a concert in the Hanseplatte record shop. That really impressed me. After that, I’ll probably be happy, drunk, and tired and I’ll haul myself back home because there are going to be texts that will have to be written the next day.

Wer sich den Pop-Kultur Plan von Chris Köver selber zusammenstellen möchte, der bekommt mit dem »Wahl-Abo« einen Rabatt von 10%. Und ab 5 Tickets gibt es sogar ganze 20% Rabatt.

Favourites by The KVB: An Exclusive Pop-Kultur Playlist


The diversity of our Pop-Kultur modules is something quite important for us. Let’s just take the evening of September the 2nd at Huxleys Neue Welt. The legendary Thurston Moore is coming over with his noisy guitar rock cosmos while Zola Jesus is about to take us to her dark synthetic world prior to Mr. Moore. And right at the beginning of the night The KVB take us even further beyond the twilight.

Nicholas Wood and Kat Day are definitely a productive musical couple. Ever since they joined forces back in 2010 they recorded and published about one album per year as they present you a magical 80s-infected mixture of shoegaze, Industrial, Krautrock and Electronica. The result sounds a little like a nightmare; like a somewhat threatening but still pleasant one and we can’t wait to experience this live at Pop-Kultur 2016.

For our Spotify-Account THE KVB have compiled an exclusive playlist of favourites form the ongoing year but also songs with a special connection to Berlin. The selection is quite sinister, of course. Well, we’re not really surprised.

THE KVB perform live at September the 2nd at Huxleys Neue Welt. You can purchase tickets for the show right here. If you buy three or more modules for Pop-Kultur you can get a discount of 10 %. Just click at »Wahl-Abo« in the shop and you are good to go.


How to Pop-Kultur with … Robert Stadlober

Robert Stadlober
Foto: Christian Pitschl

A person like Robert Stadlober doesn’t needan introduction. In the past almost two decades he became a stable figure in Germany’s cultural landscape as an actor, musician and passionate person when it comes to ambitious art projects. Expect the unexpected. It’s no surprise that Mr. Stadlober enjoys the diversity of Pop-Kultur Berlin as much as we do. This is his personal schedule for the final day of the festival on Friday.

At first Jens Balzer. I usually read him in the paper every morning, which helps me through the day most of the time. I hope that, as a cherry on top, there will be a witty heckling of Tim Renner by some audience member. He did leave a lot of burnt ground. Then Heimathafen. Exploded View and Malcolm Middleton. The first I don’t know but want to urgently change that, the latter lead me through more than one drunken night, why not see him sober for once. Algiers might be to IN for me.

So, I’ll go back to the Prachtwerk to watch Joel Gibb. His Hidden Cameras used to be very IN as well, back when I had an NME subscription. And as an exception, they were right that time. Nowadays the NME is something like the 030 Magazin in Berlin used to be, only for England. But Joel Gibb still makes very good records and more importantly: he plays very good concerts. That’s a fact. Then I’ll run to the Passage Kino. Maybe Hendrik Otremba started late. If not, I’ll just get to watch the end. He’ll tell me the rest, following his enlightening reading. And after he introduced me to Richard Hell, with whom we’re going to do a little tipsy good night dancing to the music of Zebra Katz and check out the rest of the party in the SchwuZ.

Robert Stadlober remains restless. He’ll be reading “The Aesthetics of Resistance” by Peter Weiss together with colleagues within 10 days at Berlin’s HAU in the course of a festival celebrating the 100th birthday of Peter Weiss. He’s currently also working on a new play which will be premiered at Ackerstadtpalast in Berlin in early 2017.

If you want to compile the Pop-Kultur Plan of Robert Stadlober for yourself you can get 10% off via the »Wahl-Abo« .

How to Pop-Kultur with … Michel Abdollahi

Foto: Tim Bruening
Photo: Tim Bruening

Performance artist, painter, journalist – Michel Abdollahi is many things but mostly a person full of surprises. His humorous and investigative reports clearly help to support the intercultural feeling in Germany. He’s putting his finger in the wounds of right-wring parties and fights those forces with irony. Since Pop-Kultur is packed with diversity in terms of the origins of our artists and their musical variety it makes total sense to have Michel Abdollahi on board for a new edition of “How To Pop-Kultur” right here.

Well, at first I wanted to see Phil Collins on Wednesday until I saw that it isn’t the singing frog from Genesis, but the British video artist. Now more than ever. After that, I’m going to relax with The Weather Station (I hope it will be very tender) and get drunk, to be strengthened for listening to Kathrin Weßling. I love listening to Kathrin. She is such a good storyteller. We have known each other for so long. I hope, she’ll be a little drunk too. Then sleep.

On Thursday it’s Selda Bağcan & Boom Pam, wild mix, gotta hear that. She reminds me of so many things. And I like that Anatolia and Israel meet on a musical basis. Friday is Heimathafen day. This time, with Algiers. Feels like delicate Brit-Pop, but comes from Atlanta. I hope it’s gonna rain. Then it’ll fit even better.

If you want to compile the schedule of Michel Abdollahi for yourself you can get a discount of 10% with the almighty »Wahl-Abo«.

How to Pop-Kultur with … Sonja Eismann

Foto: Alicia Kassebohm

If you need to ask yourself the important gender questions, why not doing it with a proper expert? Sonja Eismann is not just co-editor of acclaimed German Missy Magazine but also likes to deal with the representation of gender in popular culture, feminist and journalistic writing and fashion studies. The diverse line-up of Pop-Kultur 2016 is just way too perfect for her to have a closer look on it. For our newest “How to Pop-Kultur” we got Sonja Eismann selecting her favourite gigs for Thursday, September 1. These are her tips.

As someone who stays in her quarter – a Kiezbody as opposed to a Kiezhopper if you will, or is that something supposedly outing me as an uncool not-long-established Berliner, like Kreuzkölln, where I live and that’s supposedly not called that at all? It doesn’t matter – in the end, it’s the ideal. On September first, I’ll just have to hop on my bike and roll down Karl-Marx-Straße (Beware of the traffic!), and that’s where everything goes down. I would like to start with Fatima Al Qadiri’s talk in Passage Kino and do hope that she not only talks about her Hipster-Fashion-Friends such as Telfar Clemens and if Berlin is now going to participate in their glory (which the Berlin Biennale-merch seems to suggest), but also gives enlightening input on Gulf Modernism.

In Heimathafen Neukölln, I’ll then be waiting in suspense for A-Wa, just like everyone else I guess. They immediately got me with their desert chic video for „Habib Galbi“. Maybe I’ll even get to see some of ESKA, the „singing mother“. That would be awesome, and not only, because I’m a „writing mother“ myself.

Afterward, I’ll quickly check out SassyBlack, and I look forward to finding out how her afro-futuristic sound, also known as „Granola Hip Hop“, sounds in a solo DJ-set outside of the TheeSatisfaction context.

Then I’ll hurry into the Keller to see Skinny Girl Diet. I want to know how WoC-Riot-Grrrl sounds and is performed in 2016, even if not primarily sound-wise, definitely in its political aspects.

I’d like to see at least a bit of Fishbach because the french magazine Les Inrocks has proposed them to me as the hype of the hour more than once. And of course, I’ll have to check out Fatima Al Qadiri’s DJ-set.

Sona Eismann’s Pop-Kultur Plan for September the 1st

18.30h – 20h Passage Kino, Talk Fatima Al Qadiri
19h – 22h Heimathafen Neukölln, ESKA und A-Wa
22h – 1h Keller, Skinny Girl Diet
22h – 4h SchwuZ, Fishbach, Fatima Al Qadiri, DJ SassyBlack

If you want to compile the plan of Sonja Eismann for yourself you can get 10% off with the »Wahl-Abo« for Thursday.


Pop, Lyrik, Behinderungen, Transhumanismus, Post-Kolonialismus, Depression und wieder POP

Pop ist Performance, liebe Freunde der Pop-Kultur,

und nie war ein Klick in unseren Ticketshop besser als heute, schließlich haben wir brandneue Bestätigungen! Und diese drücken Pop in all seinen Facetten aus. Oder heißt es »in all ihren«? Der-die-das POP? Vielleicht sollten wir das ja beim Festival nochmals klären … Jedenfalls:

Die wunderbare Discoband Metronomy hat ein neues Album am Start. »Summer 08« heißt es und wird von Mastermind Joseph Mount ganz summer ‘16 like nicht als Konzert dargeboten, sondern in exklusiven DJ-Sets vorgestellt. Der Meister will es so. Und wir auch. Ergo findet die einzige Deutschlandshow während unseres Festivals statt.

Metronomy Mastermind Joseph Mount

Und wo wir schon bei Solisten sind. Der Kulturstaatssekretär und ehemalige Universal Deutschland Präsident sowie Ex-Geschäftsführer des Indies Motor Entertainment, Mr Tim Renner, wird mit Pop-Redakteur Jens Balzer über dessen neues Buch »POP. Ein Panorama der Gegenwart« sprechen.

Und überhaupt wird bei Pop-Kultur viel von und über Pop(-Kultur-und-Musik) geredet. So auch von Isolation Berlin-Sänger und Texter Tobias Bamborschke, der Schriftstellerin Kathrin Weßling und dem Radiomoderator und -Redakteur Andreas Müller (Deutschlandradio Kultur/ radioeins). Zu dritt sprechen sie zum Thema »Pop & Depression«, während ein weiterer Talk Pop, Behinderungen, Avantgarde und Transhumanismus gewidmet ist: In der vom Deutschlandradio Kultur konzipierten Runde treffen der MC Graf Fidi, Dr. Heike Raab und die beiden Redakteure Hartwig Vens und Dirk Schneider aufeinander.

Juliana Huxtable im Talk und mit exklusivem DJ-Set

Richtig konfrontativ wird es bei Ryan Mahan von der auch während Pop-Kultur auftretenden Band Algiers. Er verhandelt mit dem Guardian-Journalisten Josh Hall die Eindringlichkeit von Horrorfilmmusik unter dem Blickwinkel, was sie uns über strukturellen Rassismus und die (westlich) gesellschafftliche Leerstelle namens Post-Kolonialismus verraten kann. Nicht weniger avanciert geht es bei den beiden All-around-Künstlerinnen Fatima Al Qadiri und Juliana Huxtable zu, die, nachdem sie für die Berlin Biennale erstmals gemeinsam zusammengearbeitet haben, nun die Zwischenräume von Lyrik und Musik auf dem Podium ergründen. Huxtable, deren Arbeiten im New Yorker Guggenheim zu erleben waren, die die legendäre Party-Reihe »Shock Value« mitgegründet hat und Teil des House of Ladosha ist, wird zudem ein exklusives DJ-Set bestreiten.

Last but not least, freuen wir uns, verkünden zu dürfen, dass unser Festival Art Director Scott King einige seiner raren Pop-Artefakte im Rahmen des Festivals im Vollgutlager ausstellen wird. Darunter: das Prachtstück seiner Sammlung, das Feuerzeug Kurt Cobains, welches Sie natürlich bereits aus Paul Kellys von Pop-Kultur produzierter Dokumentation »Kurt’s Lighter« kennen.

Das komplette Programm gibt es an dieser Stellle. Und nicht vergessen, wer mindestens drei Module im Ticket Shop mittels »Wahl-Abo« kauft, der kann 10% beim Ticketkauf sparen.

Pop-Kultur. Programm 2016



How to Pop-Kultur with … Birger Schmidt

Birger Schmidt
What a tournament! The battle calls of the Icelandic vikings, the crazy Irish fans and the almost endless penalty shootout between Germany and Italy. Well, okay, some people might not be thaaaat interested in the current European Championship but Birger Schmidt definitely isn’t part of that group of people. He is the head of the football film festival “11mm” as well as the founder of Lernort Stadion e.V. and a well-known figure and popular expert whenever you are taking about football. So, there’s no need to seperate pop and football and that’s why we asked Birger Schmidt for his Friday plans for Pop-Kultur 2016.

How am I looking forward to September 2nd and a whole lot of Pop-Kultur!

I’ll begin my tour in the Prachtwerk at the reading by Jens Balzer whom I deeply appreciate for his well-meaning tone and for gifting us with golden observations from the lowlands of Pop. Thereafter, the trip goes to Malcolm Middleton at the Heimathafen. I really liked the subtle electronics and the strumming charm of Arab Strap and I will enjoy ballads such as „of fuck all“.

21:20h: Huxleys Neue Welt, Incredible 35 years after the founding of the amazing Sonic Youth, Thurston Moore and his band will enter the stage. It’ll surely get loud when they’ll celebrate finest New York „Noise Rock“. And to be able to level with my music-crazy daughters, the day is ending in the Keller with Pins and Best Friends, yet unbeknownst to me. .

If you want to compile the plan of Birger Schmidt for yourself you can get 10% off with the »Wahl-Abo« for Friday.

The Sound of Keøma: An exclusive Pop-Kultur Playlist


Australian artist and Berlin resident Kat Frankie doesn’t need an introduction anymore. Keøma, her still quite fresh project with Cologne-based musician Chris Klopfer maybe does. They both are about to bring the melancholic and melodramatic electro-pop of their self-titled debut live to the stage of Pop-Kultur on September the 1st. That’s reason enough to ask Mr. Klopfer about the origins of the Keøma sound. The answer comes – unsurprisingly – in the form of music and this exciting playlist, compiled exclusively for the Pop-Kultur Spotify account.

This playlist is showing pretty well how we found inspiration for our Keøma album. It was as colorfully mixed as the playlist: there’s RnB from Miguel as well as classic Rock music from Bruce Springsteen.

As we recorded the album ourselves, we had a lot of time and could include many styles that we liked. If you take a look at the list, it’s remarkable that most of the artists come from the USA. For both of us, it was the possibility to make a very free Pop album, that we probably wouldn’t have made for our solo projects.

Keøma perform live on September 1 at Huxleys Neue Welt. Tickets for the show are available here. If you buy three or more moduls for Pop-Kultur, you get 10% off. Just click »Wahl-Abo« at the shop to receive your discount.

How to Pop-Kultur with … Mirna Funk

Mirna Funk
Foto: Jessica Barthel

Everybody’s becoming a party animal for Pop-Kultur and prepares itself for the conquest of Neukölln’s nightlife. Author Mirna Funk is not exception to the rule. The East German-born lady is the latest participant in our “How to Pop-Kultur”-series and took care of Thursday, September the 1st. These are her recommendations.

I used to be a wild party girl, but nowadays no one gets me out of my apartment after 19:00 h. You’d have to shackle and kidnap me. But I’ll make an exception for Pop-Kultur. Well, I’ll begin early and quiet and end early and half-way loud. I’ll watch Mark Farrow and Scott King talking about graphics design at 17:40 h. I guess I’ll take my husband and our daughter. Thereafter, I’ll take in another talk on my own, cause talking is good for the brain. Fatima Al Qadiri shall tell me something about Kuwait. I’d like that. Or about art. Or about how you make art in Kuwait. That kinda stuff.

Because I usually go to bed at 21:00 h, my strength leaves me, but I’m going to watch A-WA. That’s simply a must. If I’m lucky, these Yemeni super girls from Israel play first. If not, I’ll stay until they come up, get a cab after the last chord is played and close my eyes on the way home.

Mirna Funk worked as a freelance journalist for »Neon«, »L’Officiel Germany« and »Süddeutsche Magazin«, as she writes about culture and life between Berlin and Tel Avid. Her debut novel “Winternähe” was released back in 2015 and awarded with the acclaimed Uwe-Johnson Prize for the best German debut. A film version is currently in the making. More information on her homepage. If you want to compile the plan of Mirna Funk or your own schedule for Pop-Kultur you can get 10 % off with the »Wahl-Abo« for Thursday.